Baja 4 and selected Sky Island Services Are Now On YouTube

You can explore the Sky Island YouTube channel “Sky Island UUC”  for recent Sky Island UU services, or the Baja 4 YouTube channel to find any of the past Baja 4 services.  


“Celebrating Our Process Past, Present and Future”

Many Unitarian Universalists embrace some form of process theology which explores our role in shaping our continuously changing world. I believe Sky Island shapes our wider community as well and this week we will celebrate what having a physical church means for our work.  Ten and a half years ago, Sky Island moved into its very own building for the first time.  If you look on our website we still list “Set Up and Tear Down” as one of our committees.  Now that we don’t have to move in and out of other people’s space every week, that committee would probably be more about decorating sanctuary and community room, arranging and clearing up refreshments than having to move EVERYTHING every week.  Come with your memories and thoughts to share about how having a building has made a difference and what you hope for our, and its, future. 

Time Capsule Celebration

After Worship we will open our time capsule, put in our wall when the church started worshiping in this building in 2014.  The festivities will include pizza, salad, and our monthly birthday cakes, of course.

In-Person and on Zoom:

Phone:      1-253-215-8782

Meeting ID: 989 1828 0553


“Wondering Wednesdays” each Wednesday at 6:00 p.m.  The Zoom link and subject for discussion are listed on the home page.