Unitarian Universalist

Power and Authority

Sunday Service March 01, 2020

The words “power” and “authority” aren’t synonyms. True,
many people use the words interchangeably, and sometimes it’s
hard to see if there is a bright line that separates the two concepts.  But let’s find out what distinguishes one from the 
other – with a … read more.

Surviving Strong

Sunday Service February 23, 2020

Black history month ends officially with the close of February, yet I propose we learn from the wisdom of African Americans throughout the year.  Professor Ibram X. Kendi sees racism as a relatively young, not-even-six hundred-year-old ill in our world but … read more.

Living Justice Into the World

Sunday Service February 16, 2020

Our UU values call us to act in the name of justice. But how do we bring our unique skills, talents, and schedules to justice work? How do we ensure our justice work is accessible, intersectional, centers frontline communities, and lives … read more.