Unitarian Universalist History

Reveling in Hymns

Sunday Service December 29:  @ 10:30AM

Reveling in Hymns

If you haven’t had enough Christmas music and want to sing carols, or have had too much and want to sing something completely different, now is your chance to come to church and pick your favorite music out … read more.

What Did They Expect?

Sunday Service September 29:What Did They Expect? Did the Unitarian Universalist Merger Live Up to Expectations?September 30 is celebrated as John Murray Day, because on that Sunday in 1770, this former minister was stranded on a New Jersey Shore and is credited with giving the … read more.

Sunday Service July 1,2018:  Antidisestablishmentarianism

Sunday Service July 1,2018:  Antidisestablishmentarianism
Rev. Dennis McCarty will explain “What’s Antidisestablishmentarianism and Why Should We Care?” In addition to being the longest word in standard English dictionaries, antidisestablishmentarianism was also a key issue dividing early Unitarians from early Universalists. Rev. Dennis will take us back to … read more.