This will be the 10th time SIUUC observes Empty Bowls. The purpose of Empty Bowls to to bring awareness to the problem of hunger in the local community and to raise funds for the food banks in SV and Bisbee.
Terry Z will talk about hungar and food insecurity in a land of abundance. In keeping with theme of hunger, Lorraine Groberg will lead the congregation’s 1st bread communion. The service will be followed by a soup potluck and a sale of plantable Christmas decorations made by our RE children and instructors. All funds raised will go to the local food banks. The 2nd collection the following Sunday will also go to the local food banks.
Bio: Terry Z has been a member of the church for 11+ years. She’s a retired nurse, pharmacist and massage therespist and spent over 40 years working in the health care field. She’s been the bookkeeper and fund distributor for the SIUUC Emergency Assistance Fund for over 5 years. She’s been interested in healthy eating, sustainable agriculture, organic gardening, the connection between poverty, food insecurity & accessibility, hunger & food waste for a number of years now.