Beth will share through story and image, the spiritual and symbolic dimension of hummingbirds,
touching on stories that communicate how deeply these little bird have touched people’s souls and lifted their spirits.
She will conclude with her version of Robert Fulghum’s “All I really need to know I learned in kindergarten” entitled
“Everything I need to know I learned from Hummingbirds.
Bio: Growing up in New England, Beth is quick to claim her heritage as a third generation Universalist.
She is a music psychotherapist, a nature photographer and owns the Sedona Hummingbird Gallery
featuring her spiritual photography of nature, as well as a silver-haired grandmother of five, and an author.
She has just published her second hummingbird children’s book, Hummy the Magnificent: how a hummingbird learned to read
which she will share in the Chidren’s Story for all ages.