Sunday Service December 15Wonder: Where Faith and Science Meet
As Unitarian Universalists, we use the miracles unmasked through scientific discovery and research to help us make sense of our own lives. Wonder is the origin of both scientific discovery and faith. What hope can science offer us? What can wonder teach us?
Message: Rev. Bethany Russell-Lowe
Bio: Rev. Bethany Russell-Lowe, a life-long Unitarian Universalist, was installed as the settled minister of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Tucson this past January.
Note: Rev. Russell-Lowe is speaking this day as part of the Baja 4 pulpit exchange; the ministers of the UU churches of Southern Arizona like to swap pulpits during months that have five Sundays. Rev. Tina will be at Borderlands in Amado, AZ this month. Stay tuned to future “Pulpitpalooza!” trades.