Sunday Service June 23:
Walking in Beauty With the World’s Dispossessed
In 2010 the United Nations designated June 20 each year as World Refugee Day in order to call attention to the situation of the more than 65 million of the world’s people now displaced from their homes. In the early 20th Century, Black Elk’s wording of the Oglala Sioux blessing “May You Always Walk in Beauty” was written down and shared with the world. This year the UN has chosen the theme “#StepWithRefugees – Take A Step on World Refugee Day” (and yes, you can connect your fitness trackers to a global effort). Walking in beauty has come to mean, walking well, in connection with all living beings and the world; so we will consider some of what is happening to the world’s displaced people and some of the ways we can walk, stand, or sit along side them on their journey to recreate home.
Message: Rev. Tina Squire