Sunday Service August 26, 2018:  Return of the Chaos Monster 

Sunday Service August 26, 2018:  Return of the Chaos Monster
The Return of the Chaos Monster is the title of the Rev. Gregory Mobley’s book on the backstories of the Hebrew and Christian scriptures. Come and hear Rev. Matthew share this ancient understanding of the world and use it to understand the chaos in our world and our own hearts today.


Message: Rev. Matthew Funke-Crary

Bio:  Rev. Matthew has just completed his 15th year of ministry, the last five serving our congregation in Amado. Born and raised in Tucson at a Methodist church where is parents are still members.
He came to Unitarian Universalism in the mid-west and attended Andover Newton Theological in the Boston area before switching coasts to move to California. He and wife Stephanie, have five sons, seven chickens, a tortoise, and two fish and currently live in Tucson. 

Message:  Rev. Matthew Funke-Crary

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