December 8 2018
How the AZ State Legislature Works was presented by Greer Warren.
Bio: Greer Warren has lived in Arizona for 30 years. She started developing her Civics 101 presentations in December 2016 in response to what she saw as an acute need for accurate information on how our federal, state and local governments were structured and where a citizen’s influence and voice could best be heard. Since April 2017, Greer has presented her Civics 101 sixteen times, reaching over 375 people. Greer is delighted to bring the talk to Santa Cruz County.
How to Use the Request to Speak System was presented by Bryna Koch
Bio: Bryna Koch has a Masters of Public Health in Health Policy. She is a doctoral student in Public Health Policy and Management program. Her research focus is the intersection of immigration and health policy. Her advocacy work is based in the strong belief that policy change can make a real difference in our lives. She is active in multiple community groups in Southern Arizona, a regular volunteer assisting immigrant and refugee families, and an avid follower of state politics and user of the Arizona Legislature Request to Speak system.