Sunday Service January 13:   Magic HasConsequences

Religious scholars have called the spirituality of others “mythology” or “superstition” and some would say with scorn “they believe in magic.” Pagan, indigenous, and earth-relating traditions offer another perspective. If “Magik” is the art of transforming consciousness at will, what does consciousness create? Schoedinger says that consciousness creates reality. Magik and communal celebration practiced by earth-honoring and deity-relating traditions change the world.. Let us learn from them how to create changes rooted in love. Message:  Rev. Amy Beltaine 

Bio:  Reverend Amy Beltaine is a traveling spiritual director providing Sunday services, retreats, and spiritual mentoring as a UU ministry: Supporting  helpers who worry about making a difference to learn and live their spiritual superpowers. When Hawthorne and Amy  are not pulling their little home behind them they are in Portland, Oregon with beagle (Zim) and cat (Annie). A graduate of Meadville Lombard School for the Ministry, Amy is on the steering committee of the UU Spiritual Directors’ network. Amy is an accredited Spiritual Director, certified Transitions Specialist, nearly life-long earth-honoring Process-Pagan, and recent President of the Covenant of UU Pagans.Amy aspires to become a Love-Ninja.

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