When you feel that you are ready to enter into a relationship with Sky Island UU, you need only attend a new member orientation – Exploring Membership – and sign the Membership Book. New members are invited to participate in a New Member Recognition Ceremony during a Sunday service.

Joining this congregation means becoming a member of a religious community that is grounded in the long history of Unitarian Universalism. Membership provides a framework for the everyday pursuit of meaning through activities, services and spiritual and intellectual development. Joining is an expression of commitment to a loving community devoted to personal and spiritual growth and a more just and joyful world.

Unitarian Universalism is a non-creedal religion. As a congregation in the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) of congregations (located in Boston, MA), we are committed to upholding and living the Unitarian Universalist Principles and Purposes. There is no requirement to subscribe to a specific set of beliefs. There is no religious or denominational authority that dictates beliefs and practices. Personal experience, conscience and reason guide Unitarian Universalists. Together, the members of the Sky Island UU Church affirm the freedom of belief and the search for religious truth. Every person is encouraged in his or her spiritual growth.

Additional literature about Unitarian Universalism is available in the Sky Island UU Community Room.

Individually, Members…

Enjoy the satisfaction of being actively engaged in a religious community which ministers to personal needs and hopes while being sensitive to our place in the world;

Experience opportunities to develop relationships of depth and explore questions of ultimate concern;

Vote in congregational meetings that direct the congregation and help to shape its future;

May serve as leadership of the congregation and on select committees;

Receive a subscription to the bi-monthly magazine The UU World, and to publications from Sky Island UU;

Are entitled to on-site services of our ministers for child dedications, weddings, funerals, memorial services, and other rites, plus discounted rental rates for the use of our facility.

Are welcome to participate in all church events offered each year.

Together, members…

Participate in Sunday services and other events which provide a core of common experiences.

Learn and grow together in a community that is strengthened by

– Understanding of UU history and traditions,

– The pursuit of spirituality and a fulfilling spiritual life,

– Lifespan religious education classes, faith development ministries and programs.

Enjoy right relationships. UU Principles and the Sky Island UU Covenant of Right Relations affirm the inherent worth and dignity of every person. By developing healthy, interpersonal relationships that honor each person’s unique experience and beliefs, respect and trust guide congregational and personal actions.

Share congregational ministryEvery person has individual gifts and a unique “calling” to serve the needs of the world. Every member is encouraged to try to discern their special gifts and find ways to share them.

Support Sky Island UU financially.  All members are encouraged to make a financial pledge to the congregation every year to support

– Programs and ministries of the Church;

– Unitarian Universalist work locally, regionally and in the world;

– Membership in the national Unitarian Universalist Association.

While annual financial commitments are encouraged and are usually made in the form of a pledge, there is no minimum commitment.  Membership is never denied due to financial hardship. Please speak to a minister to learn about financial waivers.

If you are interested in becoming a member of Sky Island Unitarian Universalist Church, contact the Church at skyislandchurch@gmail.com or by using the form on the Contact page.