Are you seeking a liberal religious environment where you are accepted for who you are, rather than who others believe you should be? Sky Island UU Church is a home for children and adults seeking personal and spiritual growth in an open, family-friendly community. Our mission is to be a caring community forging a compassionate, just and sustainable world.

We welcome you to view our weekly Service, each Sunday morning on YouTube at Every Sunday at 11:30, please join us on Zoom for our social hour where we meet and greet each other as we build Beloved Community together.

Life at Sky Island UU doesn’t end after the YouTube service and social hour on Sundays. Make deeper connections with people here through our activities and groups.

We are learning new ways to connect in this current Covid-19 world, and plan to add additional activities.  Currently you can join these additional groups:


Link for the Wednesday Meditations at 10:00 a.m. is:  HERE 

or copy and paste:

phone: 669 900 9128 #97417456265  


Sky Island Food Garden Forum via Zoom – Tuesday at 7:00PM

 Here’s an opportunity for we food gardeners to get together to share ideas about what works and doesn’t work in our challenging environment.

Join Zoom Meeting  Meeting ID: 948 8426 6239
One tap mobile +12532158782,,94884266239# US

Remember you can join Zoom meetings by any of several kinds of devices, including smart phones or even dumb phones.  If you haven’t already have downloaded Zoom on your phone or computer, you will have to do that first.

Get involved! Get to know us better as we get to know you. The more you participate, the more you’ll feel part of the community at Sky Island UU.

Want to connect with us before dropping by?

Also feel free to contact our minister, Rev. Tina Squire.