We Are Unitarian Universalists

We are brave, curious, and compassionate thinkers and doers. We are diverse in faith, ethnicity, history and spirituality, but aligned in our desire to make a difference for the good. We have a track record of standing on the side of love, justice, and peace. We have radical roots and a history as self-motivated spiritual people: we think for ourselves and recognize that life experience influences our beliefs more than anything. We need not think alike to love alike. We are people of many beliefs and backgrounds: people with a religious background, people with none, people who believe in a God, people who don’t, and people who let the mystery be. We are Unitarian Universalist and BuddhistChristianHinduHumanistJewish, MuslimPaganatheist and agnosticbelievers in God, and more. On the forefront of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer inclusion for more than 40 years, we are people of all sexual orientations and gender identities. We seek to welcome you: your whole self, with all your truths and your doubts, your worries and your hopes. Join us on this extraordinary adventure of faith. Get involved!

At All-Virtual GA, Unitarian Universalists Center Love and Pledge Bold Social and Climate Justice Action

More than 3,400 Unitarian Universalists came together to explore the faith’s underpinnings, take consequential votes, and be in community with one another.

In that spirit, delegates decisively adopted a new statement of shared UU values that places love at the center. With 80 percent of voting delegates choosing to adopt changes to Article II of the UUA bylaws (see page 8), the new stated values of the faith are Equity, Generosity, Interdependence, Justice, Pluralism, and Transformation, centered around Love. A two-thirds vote to change Article II was required under UUA bylaws; the new statement was approved by 80.2 percent of voting delegates (2,025 votes) to 19.8 percent (499 votes), with 21 delegates abstaining (0.8 percent). The vote came after a multi-year process of discernment that involved thousands of UUs around the country, including a majority vote at GA 2023 to continue the process to a final vote at GA 2024. Only one of four proposed amendments to the new statement of values passed, to amend the description of the shared value of Equity to read, “We declare that every person is inherently worthy and has the right to flourish with dignity, love, and compassion.” Two proposed amendments to incorporate additional values—Peace, and Reason and the Responsible Search for Truth and Meaning—and a proposal for an alternative description of Equity, did not pass.

UUs Make Space for Difficult Conversations on Gender-Expansive Rights, Middle East

One of GA’s most powerful and moving moments came during a charged discussion of a proposed Business Resolution, “Embracing Transgender, Nonbinary, Intersex and Gender Diverse People is a Fundamental Expression of UU Religious Values.” As the final speaker in favor of the resolution, the Rev. JeKaren Olaoya used her allotted 90 seconds to affirm repeatedly and emphatically to transgender, nonbinary, and gender diverse people: “I love you. I love you. I love you.” Her heartfelt expression was quickly circulated widely online, as a way of reiterating the centrality of love as a core value of the faith. The resolution passed overwhelmingly with a 91.8 percent vote in favor.


Monday – February 10

Tuesday – February 11

11 – 11:35am  Truly Mindful Tuesday Meditation

Tina will be present. All are invited to try different forms of meditation together each week.

1:30 – 3:30pm    Tina’s Office Hours

You are welcome to drop in anytime, but if you make an appointment you shouldn’t have to wait.

6pm    SIUUC Gardening Forum

Zoom:     https://zoom.us/j/94884266239 

Phone:    1 253 215 8782     ID: 94884266239

If you would like to be included in the Garden Forum weekly email synopsis and email discussions, please contact Edna at skyislandchurch@gmail.com.

6:30 – 8pm     Dharma Buddhists Meditation

Wednesday – February 12

6 – 7:30pm   Wondering Wednesdays

Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/99892265318 

Phone:    1 669 900 9128     ID: 99892265318

Come join us for Wondering Wednesday at 6pm on Zoom, where we are always wondering how everyone is doing, and catch up on the latest

in the SIUUC Community. Feel free to pop in for some friendly conversation and maybe a chuckle or two.

Thursday – February 13

Friday – February 14

11am    Church Ladies Lunch at the Country House Restaurant

For all Zoom meetings, if you need to call in by phone you can call 1-253-215-8782.

The meeting ID is the last 11 digits of the corresponding link.


9am    First Friday – First Friday Hike

First Friday – PFLAG Monthly Meeting

11am    Second Friday – Church Ladies Lunch at the Country House Restaurant

11:30am    Third Thursday – Men’s Luncheon. Contact Pat Aronna if you plan to attend.

11am – 3pm    Third Friday – EAF

1pm – ??pm    Third Friday – Board Games

12pm    Third Sunday – Board of Directors meet at the church following Sunday Service


10:30am    Fourth Sunday 2nd Collection

New Things To Do at Sky Island UU


“Is DEI Dead or of God?”

For several years the Unitarian Universalist Association has celebrated 30 Days of Love between Dr. Martin Luther King’s birthday on January 15 and Valentine’s Day on February 14.  This week’s theme is “Trans People are Divine” and celebrates the worth and dignity of the intersection of two extremely vulnerable populations, African American trans people.  This Sunday we will explore the Black Trans Prayer Book as part of Black History Month.

In-Person and on Zoom:


Phone:      1-253-215-8782

Meeting ID: 989 1828 0553



I have been acutely aware of the power of community large and small this week. At my monthly brown bag lunch with the Progressive Pastors in town, I learned about attacks on Lutheran Social Services, and claims that they have illegally received federal payments and engaged in money laundering. I learned from my pastor friends that, to the contrary, Lutheran Social Services got contracts through a careful bidding process and support refugees, those with mental illness, and many of the most vulnerable in our country.  One night I attended a Zoom meeting put together by Arizona Interfaith Network, joined by hundreds of clergy and ministers across Arizona, learning our rights if immigration officials seek to break the sanctuary of our sanctuaries, what kinds of warrants they need to provide, what our rights are in those circumstances.  Another night I noticed a group in front of our church building and, since PFLAG (Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) used to meet at our church the first Wednesday of the month I went over to speak to them and discovered they were, in fact, looking for that organization.  They will now meet the first Friday of the month and have brought new life to a needed gathering.  It is good to remember that we are not alone as we seek to support those pushed to the margins of our world and we can, in our small way, sustain them.

Office Hours:

My office hours next week will be an hour later than their normal time, on Tuesday, February 11, 1:30 – 3:30pm as the Jewish medical ethics at the hospital will be held on Tuesday.  You are welcome to drop in anytime, but if you make an appointment with me you shouldn’t have to wait.


From the Board of Directors

The Board of Directors would like to put together a temporary advisory committee to offer suggestions on how the church might use the financial endowment left to the church by Karen Horton.  Please email or text Jim Gillham your interest.    JamesJ.Gillham@yahoo.com


For Chocolate Lovers – February 10  |  2 – 3:30pm

Limited opportunity to join in a chocolate-tasting webinar on February 10 from 2 to 3:30 pm. The chocolate will be in person and will be a variety of 5 different types to sample. The webinar will be on Zoom, run by Equal Exchange, from whom we get our coffee. We will learn about the importance of supporting local farmers while we sample and rank our chocolates. Contact Tricia at tricia.gerrodette@gmail.com to reserve your spot. First come, first reserved!  Cost is $5 per person.


Mindfulness Meditation

Come for mindfulness meditation each Tuesday from 11am – noon at the church.  We take turns leading it, but don’t feel that you have to.

Come and try it out, no experience necessary.


Wondering Wednesdays 

Come join us for Wondering Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. (local time) on Zoom, where we are always wondering how everyone is doing, and catch up on the latest in the SIUUC Community. Feel free to pop in on the rest of us for some friendly conversation and maybe a chuckle or two.


Second Collection for February

 For February, the second collection will be for the UU Justice Arizona Network (UUJAZ).  You can donate at the second collection on February 23, or by tapping the DONATE button below. When you get to the part that says, “Use this donation for…” type in “2nd collection” . You can also drop a check off at church and leave in the Treasurer’s file folder on the wall, or mail a check to the address at the bottom of this webpage. Be sure to put “2nd collection” for the notation or memo.

Caring Corner

Roland Bockhorst is still in Tucson at Banner Hospital near Campbell and Speedway, Room 9139, after having surgery to fix a bad bedsore.  He is healing, just slowly, and values visits.

Joan Owen Obituary (1952 – 2025) – Sierra Vista Winterhaven, AZ – Herald Review Media

If you have a joy you’d like to share or a sorrow you’d like people to hear, please send an email to skyislandchurch@gmail.com


Local & Regional Activities

We are the Baja 4!

Representing Unitarian Universalists across southeastern Arizona, we love beyond belief and find inspiration from a wide array of spiritual, religious, and secular sources. We come together as a Baja 4 because we know we are stronger together.

Learn more about each congregation!


Pacific Western Region News

Pacific Western Region Logo Pacific Western Region Newsletter for February 2025 ________________________________

Recurring ZOOM Links

For all Zoom meetings, if you need to call in by phone, you can call 1-253-215-8782.  The meeting ID is the last 11 digits of the corresponding link.
If you are a Zoom user, and it’s good to see some of you on Sunday mornings or on one of our various topical meetings, please check for updates. When you open Zoom, somewhere on your screen there should be a zoom.us entry. For me, it’s on the very very top of my screen on the left.  When you click on that, there should be a drop down menu with a number of options. One of them should say “Check for updates…..” and that’s what you want to click on. Since Zoom seems to have an update almost every week, you might be a bunch of weeks behind. Let’s all get current!
Wednesday 8AM meditations and phone in information is:  HERE
or copy and paste:  https://zoom.us/j/97417456265 phone: 669 900 9128     #97417456265
*Wondering Wednesday Zoom Meetings:  6:00 to 7:30 pm
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 998 9226 5318 One tap mobile +13462487799,,99892265318#
Sunday: @ 10:30am Church Service
*Sunday Social Hour at 11:30AM is:
or copy and paste: https://zoom.us/j/97380861311
phone: 669 900 9128   #97380861311
Garden Forum Tuesdays at 6PM:
Join Tuesday Zoom Meeting:
 https://zoom.us/j/94884266239  Meeting ID: 948 8426 6239
One tap mobile +12532158782,,94884266239# US